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Jennifer Williams

Jennifer Williams is the head trainer of Summervale Premier Dressage in Roy, Washington. She has more than 20 years of experience with equestrian sales. She has ridden to the International Grand Prix level and has competed at the USET Festival of Champions in Gladstone, NJ at the Intermediate and Grand Prix levels, along with competing at the inaugural Brentina Cup in 2006.



Jennifer has brought along several young horses, has been invited and participated in the Markel/USEF National Young Horse Championships, participated in several USEF Elite and developing rider clinics. and been apart of several Nation High Performace Championships. She also was the recipient of the Dressage Foundation's Foundation’s $25,000 Anne Barlow Ramsay Grant in 2010 that allowed her to take an American bred horse (HS Wistar) to train in Germany.


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